During this training we explain how to enter counts and orders in our web application for Linen orders.

Content of this training:
o We will show how to use our web functionality to do a stock count on-site at the customer and how to transfer it as an order to the laundry. Employees at the laundry are able to check on deadlines and the current status for orders that are in progress.
• Web portal
o Set up
 Customer
 Replenishment schedules
 Web user
o Login web portal
o Stock count using web portal.
o Stock Count Order Status dialog.

After the trainee has watched the videos, the acquired knowledge can be tested by carrying out prepared cases in our training environment. The result will be tested by one of our business consultants and discussed with the trainee.
This training is a must for everyone:
o Who is responsible for on-site inventory checks at the customers (healthcare and hospitality)
o For employees at customer service to check deadlines
o For production employees to check these deadlines as well but also the current status.