Bulk Packing Assistant – ABS Laundry Business Solutions https://abslbs.com Tue, 26 Jul 2022 11:54:07 +0000 de-DE hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://abslbs.com/app/uploads/2022/06/cropped-abs-favicon-1-32x32.png Bulk Packing Assistant – ABS Laundry Business Solutions https://abslbs.com 32 32 ABS’ Innovation: The Bulk Packing Assistant App https://abslbs.com/de/abs-innovation-the-bulk-packing-assistant-app/ Fri, 04 Dec 2020 11:07:58 +0000 https://abslbs.com/?p=7783 ABS released a new mobile app that will help to increase productivity and accuracy at the storage and packing departments for bulk loaded (pool) products:

  • Logo Mats
  • Standard Mats
  • Mops/Wipers/Shop Towels
  • Disposables

This innovation is a perfect harmony between the use of the ABSSolute system, the use of mobile technology and using the available (mat) storage space as efficiently as possible. With an advanced algorithm, the Bulk Packing Assistant will assist your staff to putting logo mats in the perfect spot for storage. The target is to reduce route preparation time and optimize floor space. In practice, floor space for mat storage could be reduced with 30%!

Picture 1 below:
Bulk Packing Assistant

  • Pack: from storage to route
  • Store: from drying to clean storage
  • Return: from route back to storage

Picture 2 below:
The packing process starts with selecting day and then the route. The system recognizes the route sequence, and the progress is shown.

Picture 3 below:
All mats that are required are presented in the storage location order to reduce walking distance. The storage location (e.g. A12) is shown. In case mats or storage locations are uniquely coded, scanning is enabled.
For standard non-unique mats, just a confirmation is sufficient.

The advantages:

  • Paperless and modern technology: staff motivation!
  • Less floor space needed thru optimized dynamic storage (saving approx. 30%)
  • No need for expensive automated storage systems: keep it simple
  • High productivity due to limiting picking area / walking distance
  • Real Time progress information per route/day
  • Useable for unique (RFID) mats and non-unique mats/products
  • Useable for all pool products that are bulk loaded per route
  • Monitoring packer performance
  • Monitoring shortages
  • Perfect inventory control